Kotlin vs Java: Important Differences That You Must Know

Uses lots of function types and specialized language structures like lambda expressions. Java is a multi-platform, object-oriented, and https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ network-centric, programming language. It also used as a computing platform, and it was first released by Sun Microsystem in 1995.

Why use Kotlin instead of Java

This means that they can be stored in data structures and variables, which can be passed as arguments to and returned from other higher-order functions. It is done by prefixing the name of the class that needs to be extended to the name of the function being created. In order to call the function on the instances of the extended class, one needs to use the ‘.’ notation. Kotlin is mostly used to develop Android applications, while Java has more expansive use cases. It is best thought of as a more feature-filled Java for Android development.

What are the Benefits of Java?

In this article, we will discuss the differences between Kotlin and Java. These are just some of the features that make it safe to affirm that, yes, Kotlin is better than Java for Android development and is likely to dominate in the future. In Kotlin, as soon as you initiate a variable of a primitive type, it will be automatically considered an object.

Kotlin supports composition over inheritance design pattern by means of the first-class delegation, also known as implicit delegation. Inprogramming terminology, delegation represents the process where a receiving object delegates operations to a second delegate object. However, there is a better way of managing intensive operations in Kotlin, known as coroutines. Coroutines are stackless, which means they demand lower memory usage as compared to threads.

Higher Order Functions and Data Classes

Click here to check out the top eight reason to try Kotlin for Android app development. Create a new project, and do not choose «Add Kotlin support» in the initial page of the new-project wizard. Or, delete your existing MainActivity.kt file and create a new activity, choosing Java as the language. However, I need the Java script page to be java not kotlin.

Kotlin has a higher cognitive load, which requires developers to spend more time to find a solution. For abstract developers, Kotlin is certainly an ideal choice. It’s not for no reason that Kotlin’s a “one-stop language” for all application https://www.globalcloudteam.com/tech/kotlin/ development — it supports lots of IDEs, Android Studio included. The Java ecosystem is very rich with a large library of pre-written code in the form of APIs and frameworks that can be easily integrated into any Java application.


Kotlin has essentially made all regular objects unable to store null values. But if you must store null values, you can do so using a ‘? So in case you didn’t know, coroutines are marked by the suspend keyword. When running a coroutine, the coroutine will be suspended if/when an inner function is called.

Why use Kotlin instead of Java

I’ll highlight the major differences between Java and Kotlin that you need to know in a very simple way. Whenever you try to reassign an immutable object, you will get a syntax error stating Val cannot be reassigned. This behavior comes in handy when you have a collection that you never want to be edited by any part of the program. The great news for Java developers is that Kotlin is interoperable with Java. Standard Java code can be included in a Kotlin program, and Kotlin can be included in a Java program. Just pay attention when creating them to not check «Include Kotlin support».

Why is Kotlin preferred over Java?

You can learn all about the technical aspects of coroutines on the official documentation page here. Kotlin designed by JetBrains has become the preferred language for the Android development industry. While it cannot outdo Java in terms of its popularity, many developers emphasise Kotlin will soon become the dominant platform for Android development. That’s why I can’t understand the essential difference between using Java/Kotlin or using Python with its numerous modules for Android application development. Is there a good reason that makes Java/Kotlin better choice?

  • He is also an expert on blockchain technology and its development, having worked in the industry for several years.
  • Easy deployment plays a crucial role in customer experience and satisfaction, facilitating the process of building, testing, and deploying new code, updates, and modules.
  • Both languages are used to build applications for the Java Virtual Machine , but they differ in terms of syntax, features, and performance.
  • The author upgraded the Android Studio to a later version than in this answer and in the new version he can’t see Java because Android Studio removed it for «Empty Activity».

Since it was first made available, it has continued to evolve and become more feature-rich with each release. As a result, it has steadily gained more and more traction and today it is one of the fastest-growing programming languages in the world. It is considerably easier to use, especially if you are a seasoned Java developer. Its syntax is very close to Java’s syntax which makes learning Kotlin very easy for Java developers while comparing kotlin vs java.

Disadvantages of KOTLIN

Truth be told, these classes are mainly intended to store data and have zero functionality. To avoid complications on the main thread, Java enables the creation of multiple background threads when handling lengthy operations. The downside is that managing multiple threads is a complex task that may lead to more errors in the code. Now that we have a bit of context, you might wonder how Kotlin’s growth impacts Java.

Why use Kotlin instead of Java

Both Kotlin and Java have their advantages and can be used for different purposes. They are both capable of working together to create software development projects such as mobile and web applications. In this section, we will examine the key differences between these two programming languages. With a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Abhi has experience with several programming languages, including Python, JavaScript and C++. He is also an expert on blockchain technology and its development, having worked in the industry for several years.

What Kotlin has that Java does not

Kotlin, on the other hand, provides null safety variables where the variable must be nullable if the value can be null. As NPEs have always been an issue, both Java and Kotlin have their own way of handling null objects, as I will show below. Kotlin also typically has fewer lines of codes, whereas Java adheres more to a traditional approach of making everything verbose. It has Kotlin files or are you able to create Kotlin files? If it is the latter then you’re all good, you just need to create Java classes (Kotlin is 100% inter-operable so you can still do it in Java). Kotlin tends to be more concise though, so from that point of view, it might be easier as writing code is faster.


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